Friday, 29 March 2013


I've had two fun filled weekends in a row. Last weekend I got to watch my old roommate and dear friend Kristin play lacrosse. My sweet sister, joined me on the trek down to Tucson (aka the arm pit of arizona) to watch the game at U of A. All I can say is that Kris is amazing! She scored like 4 points in a row. This girl was on FIRE! I yelled at least 50 times that " I KNOW HER! and GO KRISTIN!" I was so proud to claim her. BYU beat U of A 17- 7. 
This weekend, I am back in Provo, Utah throwing my best friend Katie Cooper a bridal shower. It has been kind of tough being a state away but I have had help from her current roommate. Which has been such a blessing. 
So I arrived last night and was picked up from the airport by the sweet couple. They are so cute together. Taylor is so good to Coop. They seriously are just the cutest. So we ate at my favorite place like ever which is Costa Vida. And dear kind generous Taylor bought me dinner (that stinker beat me too it, because I wanted to pay for them) but it's ok, I'll take a free din din. Afterwards we chilled at Taylor's gorgeous home and watched some basketball for a short time before Coop and I drove back to Provo together. 
Dear Provo, 
You look the same but you've changed. I drive by a store, restaurant, park, anything and it will flash a memory. And a sharp pain of joy will push it's way to my mind and bring a bitter sweet taste of how much things have changed. Well not all the memories were joyful ones. But most are. Mainly, I'm glad that I don't live here anymore. As much as I miss it, I don't and I am glad I'm making new memories somewhere else. Really Provo, it not you it's me. I just don't like YOU anymore.
But on a serious note, there are parts of sweet Provo I missed. In fact, Coop and I went running this morning. I passed by the house I lived in for the stressful months that I was kicked out of my apartment. (Like I said not all joyful) and all of the sudden Provo welcomed me back the only way my clumsy legs know how. With a trip and a fall. The cement got on hands, elbow, and shin real good. Coop didn't laugh at me, bless her soul. She tried making me laugh by saying, "Provo just wanted a hug. " haha. Pretty sure the warm welcome was an affirmation that Provo didn't like me as much as I didn't like the new it. haha.
On the plus side, my favorite boutique Cherry Hill Lane (right across from the Provo Library and literally right next door to Coop's awesome apartment) has expanded and gained so many clothes. Before it was merely jewelry and purses, now it is endless dresses. Made me so happy. I will have to go back and try on some dresses and get BB a birthday present. 
Later on today, Coop and her roommate Caitlin and I went to a friend's house to get some decorations for the shower tomorrow. YEEE! Pictures to come tomorrow, but I believe the decorations came together very nicely. I brought picture frames and a few things from home and we got the rest from Madison Call. She was so kind to lend everything to us! 
The rest of the evening we hung out at the Shops at the Riverwoods and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Those shops have become a great place to hang out. It is beautiful with dangling lights and music. Needless to say, some parts of Provo have improved. Then we saw the Host, the movie by Stephanie Meyers. It wasn't that great. I think it was because the acting was kind of bad. I remember the book being so much better, but know that I think about it, I don't remember very much of the book. hahaha. 
But I am happy to be here and I am happy to throw this shower tomorrow and celebrate Coop and Taylor and their weddingness. Weddings are so great but so much work. Here's to tomorrow and to sweet reunions!

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